Happy Life Articles: Live Your BEST Life!
Tools, Tips, Hacks, and Advice for Living Your Fulfilling Life
A happy life is centered around personal happiness and fulfillment. You'll find concise articles filled with expert advice, key tools, and useful tips for living a happy, healthy, and healing life. Topics include health, healing, kindness, positivity and positive thinking, trauma, wellness, and much more.
Happy Life Articles
Are the Chemicals in Your Home Killing You? For your family's health, here are the chemicals you should remove from your home -- and removed ASAP.
Are You Affected By Past Trauma? A Self-Assessment. Take this short self-assessment and learn how trauma negatively affects lives. Plan on healing journey.
Are You Exhausted? Time to Deal With Your Shadow. All of us live with a shadow, a part of our personality that holds onto the emotions related to unprocessed trauma wounds.
Are You a Psychedelic Skeptic? Don't believe the claims about the healing benefits from psychedelics? Learn the truth about these psychedelic medicines.
Are You Utilizing the Power of Intermittent Fasting? Learn the health benefits of intermittent fasting, scheduling periods of consuming food along with periods of consuming just water and/or other unsweetened liquids
Are We Healing Through Conventional Medicine? No. We are sick. We self-medicate with alcohol, prescriptions, drugs. We do almost anything but actually heal; conventional medicine is not the answer.
The Art of Asking for a Favor: 5 Tips for Success. Need a favor done? Learn 5 tips about art of asking that will help increase your chances of getting those favors granted.
Body Image Wellness: Five Strategies For Liking Your Body. Millions of us have a body image issue. Learn five strategies for liking your body again.
Breathwork Basics for Healing. Breath is essential to life, and also an essential tool for healing, one of the six healing modalities discussed in my book, HEAL!
CEOs Profiting Over YOUR Health With MASSIVE Salaries. Executives related to industrial food production, including retailers, food brands, chemical and healthcare companies, are all making huge salaries from producing food that makes us sick.
Change Your Grocery Shopping and SAVE Your Life. Learn about hyperpalatable foods, which use the savory-sweet-fat combination to overstimulate our brain.
Consider a Power Nap for Better Health. Want better productivity at work? An afternoon nap can restore and refresh you when experiencing a natural decline in energy and wakefulness.
Covid and Mental Health. While not widely reported, the Covid virus impacts both physical health AND mental health.
Creating a Vision and Mission for Your Marriage. Advice, tips, and samples to help you and your partner write your marriage mission and vision statements.
The Dangers of Loneliness -- and Tools for How to Overcome It. We are in a loneliness epidemic. Find well-tested strategies for how to overcome it, and for building real community.
The Deadly Truth About Our Sugar Addiction. We are culturally addicted to sugar… refined sugar. Sugar is pervasive in our culture. Every holiday is a sugar holiday, with specialized candies, cakes, cookies. Learn more.
Diets Don’t Work… and Other Truths About Food. Dieting – the idea of restricting foods – does not work, and often leads to increased weight gain after any initial weight loss.
Discover the Methods for True, Wholeistic, Healing. Find a new concept in healing; true, wholeistic healing. Can you imagine living your ideal life? Learn more.
Don't Make My Ayahuasca Mistake. Learn from my mistake. Finding and choosing an underground healing center for an illegal plant medicine or other psychedelic medicine is challenging.
Do You Have a Sitting Disorder? We are living sedentary lifestyles. Do you have a sitting disorder? Learn tips to counter how much time we spend sitting and lying down.
Do You Really Need Those Pills? Find True Healing. Find common remedies/fixes for common health issues -- rather than prescription pills.
Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Dieting: Eat, Exercise, and Lose Weight. Here are key rules, do's and don'ts, of healthy dieting.
11 Pillars of Health, Wellness, and Longevity. When you dig into the lives of older, healthy people, you find they all have certain things in common -- what we call the pillars of health, wellness, and longevity.
Embracing Earth Day Throughout the Year. For Earth Day: By making small changes to our daily habits and lifestyles, we can collectively make big improvements to our water, air, and soil.
Embracing Healing Change: Keys to a Happy Life. Nothing stays constant. But a bigger issue with change is using it, embracing it, to heal from trauma. Learn how.
Establishing a Daily Practice of ThanksLIVING! Having a daily gratitude practice can raise our level of joy, happiness, and self-esteem, while also improving our health and sleep.
Establishing a Mindset for a Happier Life. Do you struggle with feeling satisfied with your work, relationships, and life? Find expert tips and strategies for establishing a mindset for a happier life.
Feel Good, Make a Difference: 20 Ways to Pay it Forward. Find 20 ways of performing random acts of kindness, making a positive difference, helping others.
Fend Off Cancer (and Other Diseases) With Four Changes to Your Life. Make minor adjustments to your life by eating better, getting exercise, and reducing stress -- and increase the chances of avoiding cancer and other diseases.
Five Healing Benefits of Cannabis. If you are looking for a healthier alternative to achieving better health, less pain, fighting addiction, and longer sleep, check out cannabis.
Five Keys to Making Successful Presentations. Get empowered by learning five key strategies for making a successful presentation.
Five Natural Ways to Help Ease Anxiety. Anxiety is most commonly diagnosed mental condition. Find natural ways to ease anxiety.
Five Reasons You Should be Journaling to Enhance Your Life. Learn how using a journal can be a major tool to improving, enhancing life, from helping achieve goals, recording accomplishments, to appreciating the good.
5 Steps, 5 Minutes: Change Your Life for the Better. Find five tips for taking five minutes daily to work toward changing life for better.
Five Reasons Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement. Learn the importance of personal mission statements and why having one will greatly improve your life.
Five Steps for Achieving What You Want in Life. Consider implementing these five steps to help you achieve the things you want in life.
Five Things to Consider Before Jumping into Healing Through Plant Medicines. Consider these five issues before jumping into the therapeutic use of psychedelic plant medicines.
Five Things You Can Do NOW to Help Prevent Dementia. Did you know you can do quite a lot to help PREVENT cognitive decline? Read the strategies you can implement today.
Five Things We Can Do to Help Veterans in Our Community. As individuals, we must do more to help veterans transition and connect back to civilian life in our communities.
Five Tips for Attaining a Happy Life. Advice for those who are struggling with daily life; five key elements of a happy life are discussed.
Five Tips for Spreading Positivity. Find five tips for how you can spread the power of positivity to others!
Five Truths That Will Transform Your Life. Use the advice about these five life truths to transform your life, to be better, inspired, happier, and focused.
Five Ways to Heal Your Life! We can heal ourselves by changing habits; changing eating; changing health priorities; and changing how we see the world.
Five Ways to Make Meaningful PowerPoint (Slide Show) Slides. Slide show presentations need not be boring or sleep-inducing. Find keys to developing eye-catching but minimalist, meaningful slides.
Five Ways to Maximize Your Personal Productivity. Learn five key productivity how-to tips for maximizing, enhancing both your personal and professional success.
Five Ways to Raise Yourself Out of Mediocracy. Are you stuck in a rut? Working an unsatisfying job? This article provides five strategies for breaking out of mediocracy, changing your life.
Five Ways to Restore Grace and Meaning to Your Life. Discusses five ways you can change to restore/enhance grace and live a purely joyous and meaningful life.
For Good Health, Please Consume (More) Fiber! Fewer than 1 in 10 Americans are getting enough fiber in our diets. Learn how to consume more fiber.
Frequently Asked Questions About Psychedelic Medicines: 1-10. Find a collection of the most commonly asked questions about psychedelics, 1-10.
Frequently Asked Questions About Psychedelic Medicines: 11-20. A collection of 10 more of the most commonly asked questions about psychedelics.
Get the (Micro) Plastic Out of Your Home! Experts are saying we are in a microplastics health crisis. More recently, microplastics have been seen in several human organs, including our lungs and brains.
Gratitude: A New Year Requires a New Perspective. A change in perspective to reevaluate your circumstances may help you find (more) gratitude in your life.
Have an Idea for a Book? Check Out These Tips for Authors. Find the 10 steps for authors who are seeking the best tips for book self-publishing.
Heal. And Stop Living Two (or More) Lives. Finding TRUE healing takes you to a life of beautiful and renewed joy, love, peace, kindness.
The Healing Benefits of Laughter. Learn about the many proven health and healing benefits of laughing and laughter for your brain and body.
Healing Journey: Just One Small Step Every Day... It's a Journey. Give yourself grace and make small changes to reach your healing/health journey goals.
Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul. If you are struggling right now, here are five ways to start trying to heal your mind, body, and soul.
Healing Starts With Eating Real Food: No More Fast Food. Are you overweight? Often fatigued? Part of a healing journey has to be changing your relationship with food.
Healing Your Heart Starts With What You Eat. Americans tend to eat a fairly poor diet, resulting in poor heart health. But you don't need a drug to heal, just better nutrition.
Healthy Herbs With Amazing Powers That Should be in Your Meals -- and in Your Garden. Learn about some common herbs with uncommon powers of healing and prevention.
Hold the BEEF! For Your Health, Eat Only Sustainable, Pastured Beef. Looks at why we should be doing our best to purchase and eat pastured, grass-fed beef raised locally.
How and Why Eggs Should be a Key Part of Your Diet. Eggs are a superfood that should be part of your diet, of your daily nutrition.
How and Why to Eat Grass-Fed and Pasture-Finished Beef. Key health reasons why every person should be buying, eating grass-fed and grass-finished beef.
How Do We Awaken People? We need to awaken to the TRUTHS about trauma, food/diet/nutrition, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, big government, and mainstream media/social media/big tech.
How Thirst Often Confuses People Into Eating More. A majority of people around the world suffer from chronic dehydration; find tips for staying hydrated.
How to Improve Your Life: Five Quick Tips to Better Living. Are you seeking some basic ideas for how to improve your life? Find five tips for laying the foundation for developing healthy living for a better, healthier life.
How to Move from Victim to Survivor. Learn how to move from victim to survivor. Staying in victim mode is an unhealthy mindset that alters our brain, erecting walls built on fear and self-pity.
How to Prepare for Your First Psychedelic Experience. Participating in a psychedelic healing ceremony is a profound decision. Learn how to prepare for the five major phases of a psychedelic journey.
How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Five Quick Tips to Green Living. Consider using these low-cost green living tips.
How Well Are You Managing Your Energy? Every day we face situations and people that either add a positive charge to our day or drain the life out of us, and the key is focusing on having more positive energy coming in than negative.
How's Your Brain Fitness? 10 Exercise Tips for a Healthy and Fit Brain. Everyone knows about the importance of exercise for the body, but it's also true for a healthy brain.
Imagine All People Finding Healing in the Next 10 Years. This article presents an overview of the facts about our healing crisis and how we can ALL find healing now!
Integration: It's What Must Be Done After Psychedelics. Learn how and why integration is an essential part of the psychedelic medicine experience.
Is Exercise a Four-Letter Word to You? Learn how easy it is to exercise, move, and why exercising is so life-enriching.
Is Positive Psychology Helping or Hurting Us? Are positive psychology messages of stay happy or be kind triggering people with trauma? Learn more.
Is Your Healing and Health Your Top Priority? This article addresses why healing and your health should be your TOP priority.
It's Time To Address It: Screen-Life Balance. Find useful tips for managing a balance with screen time. Too much screen time leads to health issues.
Journaling for Healthy Healing and Personal Growth. Journaling is a great tool for reflection and growth. It's also a tool for safely examining past trauma and can be a powerful tool for true healing.
Keys to Truly Understanding Food Labels. Food labels are designed to mislead. This article informs consumers how to read food labels, what items to review, more.
Life Fitness Planning: Becoming Fit and Healthy in All Aspects of Your Life. Improving your life fitness and overall health and wellness will improve your life dramatically.
The Life-Saving Nature of Nature. Learn the scientific research behind five ways that being out in nature offers amazing healing and health benefits. Get out in nature today!
Live Happier: Keys to Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions. Lose weight? Better health? Planning to make a life-changing goal as New Year's resolution? Read expert tips to help you draft, keep your resolutions.
Live Longer. Eat Healthier Daily. Best Foods for You, A-Z. Healthy foods have proven attributes to help make your body and mind stronger while giving you the potency and fortitude to fight off illness.
Make Room for Healing. We all need healing. If you are living in the past, angry, bitter, guilty, you need to make room for healing.
Make This Year YOUR Year: 5 Tips for Achieving Resolutions. Learn expert tips for changing your life through achieving your new year's resolutions.
Mantras and Affirmations: Keys to Self-Care and Nourishing Your Mind. Discusses the transformative power of mantras and affirmations, what they are and how they can be used for mindfulness, positivity.
Misconceptions and Myths About Psychedelics. Discover the truth about psychedelics as the seven misconceptions about these powerful medicines are exposed.
The Nine Steps of Wellness: Live a Better Life. By developing a wellness plan, anyone can increase the likelihood of a longer, happier, and healthier life.
Not Sure About Psychedelics? Try Microdosing. Learn key information and find links to resources about the benefits and reasons people microdose with psychedelic substances.
Now is the Time to Help Yourself by Helping Others: 10 Ways to Serve Your Community. Performing community service is a worthy endeavor that brings people and communities closer together.
The 100-mile a Month Walking Challenge: Steps to a Healthy Life. If you are committed to better health and wellness, the secret is in walking. Take the 100-mile-a-month walking challenge.
Past Trauma Assessment. A free exercise for you to go inward, both for responding to these statements as honestly as possible, but also to help start the process of self-discovery of past trauma wounds – wounds that need healing.
Plant Medicine and Psychedelics Books. Take a deep dive into psychedelics and psychedelic plant medicines with these books.
Plant Medicine, Psychedelic Documentaries Worth Your Time. Check out this list of the best documentary films and series on plant medicines and psychedelics.
Plant Medicine, Psychedelic Podcasts Worth Your Time. Find hours and hours of listening time, filled with expert advice on psychedelic medicines.
Practice Positivity: Five Tips for How To Be More Positive. Learn key tips for how to be more positive, for both mental and physical well-being.
Practice Positivity: Five More Tips for Becoming More Positive. Find five more positivity tips, ways people can learn how to be more positive.
Psychedelic Coaches & Healers: Are You Doing the Work? Stresses the importance of all psychedelic coaches, guides, facilitators to take the time to do their own healing work.
Purge Your Pantry For Health and Healing. Don't let food marketers trick you. Most of the food sold in supermarkets is literally unhealthy junk food. Purge your pantry!
Reasons to Consider Using a Trip Sitter for Your Psychedelic Experience. Discover why you should consider using a trip sitter, a trained facilitator who stays sober during the client's psychedelic journey.
Self-Care Bingo: Find ideas for easy self-care activities using our fun "bingo" style sheet. Remember: self-care is essential, not selfish.
7 Simple Changes to Naturally Improve Your Health/Immune System. Find simple changes to improve your immune system naturally.
The Shadow Side of Ourselves -- and Psychedelics. Learn how people face their shadow selves and move beyond those traumas and negative feelings, with psychedelic medicines.
Spread Love: Five Ways to Live a Love-Filled Life. Five ways of putting love into action in all phases of your life, spreading love and joy, and living a happy, love-filled life.
Stop Poisoning Your Loved Ones on Valentine's Day. Sugar is a poison, so why show your love on Valentine's Day or any day by giving candy or other sugary items?
Sugar is Safe? No. It's a Health Hazard. Sugar has never been safe, and today, with most packaged and frozen foods containing added sugar, it is leading to deadly health conditions, including cancer.
10 Critical Walking Tips: Begin Walking Safely for Heart, Health, Life. Walking is one of best exercises people can do to improve health, wellness. Read these 10 critical walking tips before you start a walking program.
Ten Dangerous Foods/Ingredients to Eliminate From Your Diet. Food marketers drastically altered foods and ingredients over the past 40 years to the point that many are negatively affecting our health.
10 Easy Tips for Healthier Eating. Expert, easy tips for healthier eating. By making minor changes to your eating, cooking, and diet habits, you can live a much healthier life and live longer.
Ten Strategic Things You Can Do to Change Your Bad Mood. Learn 10 strategies for coping, changing, and transforming a bad mood to good.
10 Things I Learned From Psychedelic Science 2023. Read about my 10 takeaways from this historic psychedelic conference.
Ten Things Successful People Do NOT Do! Learn about the 10 things successful people do NOT do, and what they do instead.
10 Expert Tips for Coping With Life's Stressors. Protect yourself from stress overload, with these 10 healthy tips for coping with life's stressors.
10 Quick Exercise Tips for Enhancing Overall Health. Exercise and movement are essential. Find 10 exercise tips for enhancing your health.
10 Quick Sleep Tips for Helping Stay Healthy. Daily quality sleep is an essential part of long-term mental and physical health and wellness. Improve your sleep with these expert tips.
10 Quick Tips for Simplifying -- and Improving -- Your Life. Too much stuff. Too much to do. Improve your life with these quick simplifying tips.
10 Tips For Succeeding in Online College Courses. Find 10 expert tips for helping you succeed in online programs and courses.
10 Tips to Grow and Deepen Your Spirituality. Find 10 tips for refreshing your spirit, deepening your spiritual beliefs, and sparking a spiritual (re)awakening.
Tips for Better Mental Health -- Live a Healthier Life. These tips for better mental health were developed to assist people in dealing with mental and emotional stress.
Tips for Creating a Wellness Kitchen. The kitchen used to be the centerpiece and gathering spot in our homes, but it has been replaced with the family room. It's time for a wellness kitchen movement. Learn how.
Tips for Navigating a Challenging ("Bad Trip") Journey. Find tips for successfully navigating a psychedelic journey, with a focus on the best ways to deal with challenging elements.
Top 10 New Year's Resolutions: Any of These Popular Life-Changing Goals Yours? A list of the top 10 resolutions people make to improve their lives for the new year.
To Truly Heal, We Must Reconnect With Our Inner Child. Learn how to heal unprocessed childhood trauma with inner child healing.
Trouble Sleeping? Five Plant-Based, Natural Sleep Aids. If you struggle with sleep and want to avoid addictive pharmaceutical drugs, here are five natural, plant-based sleep aids.
Try a Little Kindness: Five Tips for Spreading Love and Joy. We can't let fear and negativity win; use these tips for spreading kindness, love, and joy.
Understanding the History, Power, and Limitations of Psychedelics. Despite the political lies about psychedelics, the research is showing they can help people heal from past trauma.
Unhelpful Expressions To People in Crisis. Instead of unhelpful phrases, learn the best way to help those suffering with a mental illness.
Utilizing the Power of Forgiveness. Do you want to heal? If so, forgiveness HAS to be part of your healing journey.
W.A.L.K. (Technique) For Life: A Guide to Better Health. Outlines the steps of the WALK Technique, a guide to better health through weight and diet awareness, healthy eating patterns, and improved fitness plans.
Want to Heal? Detox Your Home... and Yourself. Did you know your home could be keeping you sick? You need to detox the chemicals in your home. Learn how.
Want to Lead a Happier, Healthier Life? Get out in Nature! Learn five life-saving aspects of nature, which offers amazing healing and health benefits.
We Are All Part of the Tree of Life. Learn about the tree of life; there is no question that we are all connected to nature and each other. Learn more in this article.
We Need to End Food Insecurity. Food insecurity is often defined as when a person does not have “enough food for an active, healthy life for all members of a household.” How do we fix and address this issue?
What Are These Psychedelic Medicines? Psychedelically-curious? Learn more about these amazing healing substances.
What Are Psychedelics? A Primer for the Curious. Psychedelics are an emerging medicines for many health issues. Learn the potential of these substances for healing.
What is a Healing Journey? How Do I Start One? A healing journey is about WHOLE healing of both mental and physical ailments. Learn how to start yours!
What's the Connection Between Healing and Psychedelics? We are in a healing crisis. Psychedelic substances are showing amazing promise as key tools for healing trauma.
What is Empathy -- and How Can You Be More Empathic? Learn more about empathy, which deals with the ability of people to think outside oneself to feel the emotions of others.
What’s All the Fuss About the Vagus Nerve? Learn about the central communication system running from your brain to your large intestine that carries signals/information among your gut, brain, and heart, playing a significant role in mental and physical health.
What is Trauma... and How Psychedelic Medicines Can Help. What is trauma? How are psychedelics related to trauma? Read all the details here.
What's Your Ikigai, Your Purpose in Life? Many believe a strong sense of mental well-being and life longevity come from living a life with purpose.
What Should I Expect With a Psychedelic Journey? This article takes a look at the basics involved in the preparation for and what to expect during your first psychedelic experience.
What You Need to Know About Plant Antinutrients. Have you seen the headlines about the dire need to avoid lectins and oxalates and wondered what all the fuss was about? Learn the details.
Who Hasn't Been Grieving Recently? Five Tips for Managing Loss. Many of us are dealing with loss and grief, but how many of us know how to cope and manage loss and grieving? Find tips for helping dealing with loss.
Why and How to Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Life. Self-care involves any activities undertaken to improve or restore health. Learn how to add self-care to your life.
Why Are We So Angry? You Have the Power to Change... Heal. Learn more about excessive anger and the methods for healing our anger.
Why Consider Transcending Suffering Through Psychedelics. An emerging tool for transcending suffering is the intentional use of psychedelic medicines.
Why Mindfulness is Such a Healing Practice. Mindfulness is about living in the moment, appreciating all the little moments that often get overlooked. Learn the benefits of mindfulness.
Why Protein is An Essential Part of Any Diet. Are you getting enough protein in your diet? Protein consumption has to be a major part of your meals because it is essential for our bodies and our health.
Why Relationships Are KEY to a Healing Journey. Having supportive people, your tribe, in your life is essential to your healing. Learn more.
Why Should I Consider Psychedelics? Are you curious about psychedelic substances? Why are people using psychedelics? Find answers here.
Why Supplement With Medicinally Magical Mushrooms? Learn how these amazing superfoods can help your body and brain, including fighting chronic inflammation and some cancers, as well as boosting the gut.
Why Toastmasters? Five Reasons to Join a Toastmasters Club. Want to learn how to make speeches? Join Toastmasters to help learn presentation skills, conquer speaking fears.
Why You Should be Eating Seasonal Foods. Historically, people had no choice but to eat produce in season; now we get many unseasonal crops from Central and South America rather than local farms.
Why We All Need Healing -- and How Psychedelics Can Help. We are the keepers of our own healing, so how can you find the healing you seek? Find key tips in this article.
Why We Need a New Victory Garden Movement. Our food system is broken. We are in a nutrition/health war today. We need is a home garden movement.
Why We Should Care About Healthy School Meals. We need healthy, attentive, active children eating the highest quality of foods for their growing bodies and brains so that they can grow into the productive citizens of tomorrow.
Worried About Your Cholesterol and Triglycerides? If you are not eating high amounts of refined sugars and carbohydrates, cholesterol should not be an issue for you. Learn key facts about triglycerides, cholesterol, chronic inflammation, heart disease, and metabolic health.
Happy Life, Career, Growth, Health, and Wellness Book, Movie, TV Series Reviews
Empowering Reading: A Review of Blind Spots: When Medicine Gets It Wrong, and What It Means for Our Health. A powerful and mindblowing look at medical dogma and how it affects your health choices.
Empowering Reading: How to Use Mindfulness as a Mental Health Tool: To Beat Depression and Anxiety and Change Your Brain. A review of Debbie Hampton's enlightening and deeply thorough book on mindfulness.
Empowering Reading: Jaded Health Book Review: It’s Like Having Your Own Health Coach. A review of David Medansky's straightforward approach to simple rules for living a healthy life.
Empowering Reading: A Review of Folks, This Ain’t Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World. A powerful read from agricultural guru Joel Salatin.
Empowering Reading: A Review of Macie and the Magic Veggies. An entertaining and empowering children's story about healthy foods from author Peter Contardo.
What Can We Learn From Apple Cider Vinegar. A review focused on important lessons learned from the Netflix limited series based on actual events of a wellness influencer who lost her way.